Long Time, No See

It's been awhile. I feel like I am failing in my blogging duties. As part of all of "this" that I am doing for myself and in my life, one of the things I am working on is not being so hard on myself. So, while I am disappointed and a little annoyed with myself... Continue Reading →

It’s Not the Size of the Boat…

I have always wanted to fill my home with my own pictures - as in, pictures I took myself. And not just of family and friends - though I have a lot of those and love them dearly - I wanted to take pictures that I deemed "good enough" to hang in my home, decorate... Continue Reading →

Run, Forest, Run

I am officially signed up to run a half-marathon...on October 15...that's 80 days away. [Insert your favorite swear, here, because I am.] To say that I am nervous would be quite the understatement. I'm not exactly what you would call a "runner," in fact I barely even like it. But I'm getting there. I hear... Continue Reading →

Ben Knows Best

I love words. I love that the right word, or collection of words put together, can carry incredible depth and meaning if you are open to it.  And I like to look at them. I think there is beauty in writing. Cheesy, yes, but it's true. A simple quote can somehow encapsulate the wandering thoughts... Continue Reading →

And so it begins…

Welcome to Gingham for Days. Not a fashion blog. A life blog. A thetimehascometobustoutofmycomfortzoneandexperiencelife blog. Go to the About page and learn a bit more.  And know that, in writing that section, and this post I have already started this crazy little journey and I am not going to lie, I am pretty excited about... Continue Reading →

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