
Disclaimer: This is not a fashion blog. My apologies to all of you preppy, gingham lovers out there.  I myself am a preppy gingham lover which is where the name came from, of course. When I set out on starting a blog – an idea I toyed with for years – I couldn’t figure out what my blog would be “about.” I was stuck. Then, I decided to think about names…Gingham for Days kept popping into my head. My initial reaction was to dismiss this because while I like fashion as much as the next girl, a fashion blogger I am not.

Around this same time, I was trying to push myself out of my comfort zone – try new things, take risks, get outside of the bubble I have somehow found myself living in. And still, Gingham for Days kept popping up. And then it all clicked – at least for me. Try and follow my thought process for a minute here: I love gingham. When in doubt, I will choose gingham as my pattern of choice – clothes, house decoration, whatever it may be. Case in point: My son’s bedroom and first birthday were “blue and white gingham” themed – I think you are getting it. Then, I thought about how always going to gingham pretty much exemplified my larger life problem – I tend to stick with the same thing, live in a bubble – except in my case it is apparently a little box or a series of little boxes.

And then it dawned on me. Gingham for Days was, actually, perfect. Because, when in doubt I will choose “gingham for days” and that is exactly what I am trying to break free from…So here we are.

Now that I have spent 286 words explaining what my blog is about, I should probably tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 33 year-old girl (I still say girl – lady, woman seems like a good description for a grown-up which I still don’t always feel that I am yet) who is trying to hit refresh, try new things, find adventures, and hopefully maybe stumble upon a couple of hobbies and a passion or two along the way.

I am also a mom to my little (3 year-old) boy who gives me strength and inspiration every day simply by being himself, and who I hope to inspire back by truly living life to the fullest. I am a wife to a pretty great guy who I have spent the last 13 years of my life with.  I am a daughter, a step-daughter, a sister, a friend (many of whom I am lucky enough to have called a friend for 20+ years), oh, and I work in Public Relations.

I grew up in a small town outside of Boston. I was born in San Diego, moved back here when I was five and then spent some time back and forth between here and San Diego (divorced parents). I always thought I would end up living in Southern California but a series of life decisions and moments kept me here. I am now living in the same small town I grew up in (never would have predicted that) and love Boston more and more as I get older.

I love to write but its been forever since I have written for myself or for fun. I love ellipses which you will come to realize on your own if you choose to read this blog.

I am sure you will learn even more about me as I go along on this journey. Those are the high level talking points and my sad attempt to explain “About Me.” It’s clearly not my strong suit.

I feel it is important to note that I have a pretty great life. I have little reason to actually complain. However, this quote I stumbled upon on Pinterest one day sums up what I am trying to do here.


And if you feel like joining me in this newfound adventure to (truly) be in love with my life, that would be great. And, if by reading this, I maybe kinda, sorta inspire you too then all the better. As far as I can tell, there are a lot of us who could use a reminder to be in love with our lives.


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