It’s Not the Size of the Boat…

I have always wanted to fill my home with my own pictures – as in, pictures I took myself. And not just of family and friends – though I have a lot of those and love them dearly – I wanted to take pictures that I deemed “good enough” to hang in my home, decorate my walls. Pictures that make me happy.

I am happy to report that I have begun to do just that. Aside from the picture of the quote that is currently serving as my inspiration and daily reminder, I took all of these pictures.  And they are hanging on walls in my home (yay!) Full disclosure: these are 4 x 4 images and a few of them look as good as they do thanks to a good Instagram filter. But nonetheless, these are pictures that make me happy. They remind me of my happy place, Nantucket – one of my favorite places in the world. If you haven’t been – I recommend that you go. When I step off the ferry, I am instantly happier and feel like I am right where I belong.

But, I have digressed. Back to the pictures. In one of the harbors in Nantucket, there is this red boat, the “Sunken Ship” and I don’t know why, but I just love it.  Maybe because it stands in stark contrast to everything around it, and everything that Nantucket is known for: wealth, beauty, and the finer things in life.  I first took a picture of the Sunken Ship 10 years ago when I first went to Nantucket on my Honeymoon. And every time I go back, I always take a picture of it. Depending on the tide, the time of day, the time of year, it’s location changes just enough that it gives this little collage a little bit of variety.

Next up on my list of things to do is to finally take some photography classes so I can continue to decorate the walls of my home with my own photos, photos that I love. But, for now, I am going to give myself a small pat on the back for this win – and a tip of my hat in appreciation to Instagram for the help, too.

Two checks.



And, for those of you looking for a running/half-marathon training update – I did 5 miles this morning. It was hot. It was humid. I was generally pretty miserable for the first 2.5 miles, but things got better in the back half. 63 Days to go!

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